Why choose Foghara and what is it that makes us stand out from the rest?

(And what in the world does Foghara mean?)

We’re really good and not afraid to say so. We give you what you need. Whether you need just a simple job or a make-over, Foghara can do it.

If you need a brochure, we can create a brochure for you. If you want to come up with a new look that incorporates your business cards, letterhead, and other business “image” materials, we can do that too. And we can do it without turning it into a major campaign you can’t afford. But if you need a major campaign, we’ve got the knowledge and skills to cook up a great one.

While some smaller companies may lack experience, we bring solid expertise and know-how to the table. Simply put, Foghara Advertising has the intelligence and talent mixed in with the passion and drive to make a difference in your business.

Throw away any preconceived ideas on how ad agencies work. We believe a good idea, even if it’s yours, is still a good idea. Once the idea is planted, we help make it grow.

Taking the time to sit down with you and find out about your business, how it functions, where you’ve been and where you want to go helps us to identify the best options to achieve your goals. Whether it’s branding, print advertising, broadcast advertising or public relations, we can put together a plan to keep you going and growing.

Over 25 years in the business can help. . . Help you grow your business!

In Gaelic, the names of the four seasons date back to pre-Christian times: Geamhradh for Winter, Earrach for Spring, Samhradh for Summer, and Foghara for “Harvest” or Autumn. My daughter’s name is Autumn. I thought I was being creative. Turns out no one can pronounce it, and they think it is completely nuts. But hey, they remember it, so maybe I do know what I’m doing afterall.


He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 21:21